- key differences between List and Arrays
- Python collections ChainMap
- Array : Find median in an integer array
- Array : Find middle element in an integer array
- Array : Find out the duplicate in an array
- Array : Find print all subsets in an integer array
- Program : Array : Finding missing number between from 1 to n
- Array : Gap and Island problem
- Python collections
- Python Program stock max profit
- Reverse words in Python
- Python array duplicate program
- Coin change problem in python
- Python Write fibonacci series program
- Array : find all the pairs whose sum is equal to a given number
- Find smallest and largest number in array
- Iterate collections
- List comprehensions in Python
- key differences between List and Arrays
- Program: Calculate Pi in Python
- String Formatting in Python
- Python counters
- python tuples
- Python deque
- Python dictionary
- Python Lists
- python namedtuple
Delve into the Python dictionary data structure. Learn how to store and manage key-value pairs, perform efficient data retrieval, and leverage essential dictionary methods for enhanced Python programming experiences.
import csv
amountdisct ={}
with open("/Users/npblue/PycharmProjects/data/credit.csv", 'r') as file:
csvreader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
for row in csvreader:
if count==0:
count += 1
def getMedian(lst):
sorted_lst = sorted(lst)
n = len(sorted_lst)
if n % 2 == 0:
middle1 = sorted_lst[n // 2 - 1]
middle2 = sorted_lst[n // 2]
median = (middle1 + middle2) / 2
median = sorted_lst[n // 2]
return median
print("Type :",type(amountdisct))
print("min value :",min(amountdisct.values()))
print("max value :",max(amountdisct.values()))
print("mean value :",sum(amountdisct.values())//len(amountdisct.values()))
print("median value :",getMedian(amountdisct.values()))